The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015: A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015:

A blog about setting personal goals and what is important to you.


The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015.

Have you set your personal goals yet?

Every year I like to sit down and write out my top 5 personal goals that I would like to achieve in the coming year. Some years I have gotten more done than others but it has always been a good exercise for me.

The most important part of setting personal goals is making sure you are writing down what is important to YOU and not what you think other people would want to read. My goals will differ from yours and that is perfectly fine. Don’t feel like you have to do what everybody else does or try to keep up with the Jones’s. Focus on what is important to you and make those your top personal goals for the year.

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015

Welcome to the first blog of the New Year! I am so excited about what this year holds and I hope that you are too. This is a time of new beginnings. It is a time when we look back at our past and review what worked and didn’t work, and then make plans to move forward towards achieving the goals we have set for ourselves.

Personal goal setting is one of the most important skills one can acquire in life. Without personal goals, it is easy to become sidetracked as you go through your day. In order to achieve your dreams, you need to know exactly what they are and have a concrete plan on how to reach them.

Below are listed the top five personal goals most people want to achieve in 2015:

* Create financial success for yourself

* Have a better relationship with those closest to you

* Lose weight or get into better shape

* Find your true calling and use your talents more effectively

* Help others

The Top 5 Personal Goals for 2015


Megan Slingerland

“The only thing constant in life is change.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

That means that we should always be looking forward to the future and making changes to better ourselves. I am a big believer in setting goals and working towards them. It is a great way to stay motivated and excited about your life. I have been writing down my personal goals for years and it has changed my life! I love this quote by Steve Jobs: “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” If you are not happy with your current circumstances, there is no better time than now to make a change.

In the spirit of 2015, here are my top five personal goals for 2015:

It is that time of year again! A lot of us are starting to think about what we want to accomplish this year. Here at TPE, we have been talking about what we want to accomplish in the next year. What goals did you set for yourself? We explore the top 5 personal goals for this year.

1. Become healthier

2. Lose weight

3. Save money

4. Get organized

5. Improve your relationships

Becoming healthier is a goal for many people who want to start eating right and exercising more. Losing weight and getting healthy go hand in hand with each other, which is why they are so popular during the New Year. One way to save money is to eat out less when you are trying to become healthier because it can be a little expensive at times. You can also start saving money by cutting back on unnecessary expenses such as entertainment, going out with friends and shopping sprees! It is all about making sacrifices and saving your money instead of spending it all the time on things you don’t really need!

Getting organized is a great way to make sure that everything goes smoothly in your life and nothing falls through cracks or gets lost along the way! You can start off small by organizing your closet or bedroom, then work

I’m a sucker for traditional new year’s resolutions. I always choose some arbitrary goal to work towards so that by the end of the year, I can look back and see how far I’ve come. But this year is different – I am not only setting a goal, but I am also going to write about it every single day. This will be my personal blog where I will talk about my progress and anything important that happens during the year.

I’m not going to make any excuses for what has happened in my life over the last few months. It’s been a difficult time and there are still many challenges ahead but now is the time for me to focus on myself again and put all of my energy into achieving something meaningful again in 2015.

The goal: Write a book about Deep Learning with Neural Networks

I have been working on my deep learning project for almost two years now and it’s time to start writing down everything that I know about neural networks in one place so other people can use them too!

In short: The Deep Learning Book will be an open source book written by many authors with different backgrounds but all sharing their knowledge about deep learning topics such as neural networks, machine translation or computer vision algorithms.

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