The first question to ask yourself when buying a smart phone is, “Do I need a smart phone?” If you only need a basic phone that makes calls, sends text messages and maybe plays some music, you certainly don’t. Smart phones are not just phones. They are computers with internet access. That means that instead of using a PC to surf the web and send emails you can use your mobile device. The downside is that it will cost you more than a basic phone and it can drain your battery quickly if used excessively.
If you decide to buy a smart phone you should look for one with good battery life and one that does not require frequent recharging. Having to recharge your phone twice or even once every day is annoying and defeats the purpose of having a mobile device in the first place. Also, look for one with ample memory space that allows you to download games and apps without deleting them after they have been installed and used once or twice. Another thing to consider is the ability of the device to synchronize with other devices or peripherals such as printers, cameras and scanners among others. A smart phone with this feature will allow you to print documents directly from your phone without having to use an intermediate device such as a PC. This can
A cursory glance informs us that the digital age is upon us and the world has become a global village. The trends of globalization, digitalization, and connectivity are only getting stronger. The mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives– we use them for communication, entertainment, banking, shopping, taking photos and videos, getting directions to new places, playing music and video games, etc.
The first question to ask yourself when buying a smart phone is, “Do I need a smart phone?” You may have heard your friends talking about their amazing smart phones and you may be tempted to join the trend or you might feel insecure if you don’t have one. The truth is that not everyone can afford having a smart phone. Smart phones are quite expensive and they require a high speed internet connection without which it might not be as useful as one expects.
For years, I was the person who said, “the first question to ask yourself when buying a smart phone is, “Do I need a smart phone?”
Having been an Android user since 2010, I didn’t see what all the fuss was about. If someone had asked me why I wouldn’t consider an iPhone or BlackBerry, I would have said something along the lines of “I don’t like being locked into one company.”
A few months ago, I decided to put my money where my mouth was and bought an iPhone 7. It wasn’t the greatest decision I ever made; the phone is buggy and it has several annoying quirks that make me want to throw it through a window. But having used both Android and iOS intensively for the past three years, here are 10 things that really annoy me about Android.
Smartphones are great. They keep us constantly connected, make our lives easier, and can help us save time and money. But like so many things that are great, there’s a downside to smartphones too.
They’re distracting, hard to control, and can even make you less productive. Here are 10 annoying things about smartphones and how to overcome them.
1). They’re distracting:
The average smartphone user checks their phone more than 150 times every day. This can lead to a variety of problems that range from increased stress levels to safety issues. Fortunately, there are easy ways to curb your phone use and enjoy its benefits without the drawbacks.
2). You have too many apps:
You don’t need all those apps! Sure, it’s fun to download a new app and test it out for a while but chances are good that you’ll never use most of the apps on your phone again after the first month or so. Try implementing a rule where you can only download one new app per month and get rid of one old app each month as well (if you haven’t used it in a month, what makes you think you’ll use it next month?). That way, you’ll always have room for new apps and won’t have any unused ones cl
Today, the smartphone has become a common tool for communication and personal use. Every year the number of mobile phone users increases. The smartphone is so popular that it has become a necessity in many people’s lives- even children have their own phones.
While there are many pros to owning a smartphone, such as easy access to information and instant communication with loved ones, there are also some disadvantages. Here are some common problems with smartphones and some tips for overcoming them.
The battery life of your phone is often one of the biggest problems you will experience. You can usually only get a few hours of actual use out of your phone before it needs to be charged again. If you do not have an outlet nearby, you may be in trouble!
Even if you do charge your phone, sometimes it charges slowly or stops charging while still at less than 100%. This problem could be caused by damage to the charging port or even something as simple as dust or dirt stuck in it!
It is easy to forget that your phone should be on airplane mode or turned off during take-off and landing when you’re traveling by plane. If this happens, don’t worry! Your flight attendant will remind you when they come around with beverages during their usual routine.
If you
1. You are constantly checking your phone.
2. Your phone is too slow or freezes all the time.
3. You get bad reception in certain places.
4. You’re running out of space on your phone because you have too much stuff on it.
5. It’s annoying to type on your phone.
6. You can’t answer calls/texts/emails right away because you’re in a meeting or in class and you think that people will judge you if you do so.
7. Your battery life is terrible and this makes you anxious because you might run out of juice at any moment and be unable to contact anyone or use the Internet.
8. You lose your phone all the time, which makes you anxious that someone might discover all of your secrets, which they inevitably will because we store almost everything on our phones these days from photos of our loved ones to our credit card information to emails and texts from exes we don’t want anyone else to see.
9. You use your phone as an alarm clock, but when it goes off in the morning or whenever it goes off, it wakes up everyone else around you who then glare at you with hatred in their