This blog is about an app, called the D-Fend, that we use to protect us from hackers and other cyber security risks. The app was created by a team of specialists in the field of cyber security, and is used by millions of people around the world every day.
The purpose of this blog is to help you understand how to use the app to increase your own security. The app itself is not meant to be used as a substitute for antivirus software or other security measures. Rather, it’s meant to complement those measures. It is up to you, however, to decide how much protection you want and how much you are willing to pay for it.
We hope that this blog will help you make an informed decision about whether or not this app is right for you.
Did you know that your smartphone can be hacked? Most of us don’t realize how much data we store on our phones and how valuable it can be to hackers.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the data that might be on your phone and what hackers can do with it:
Text messages – allows hackers to intercept important information, like banking information or passwords.
Contacts – allows hackers to send emails from “you” to everyone in your contact list.
Emails – allows hackers to read all your emails, including personal and business emails.
Photos – allows hackers to see private moments shared via photos.
Personal conversations – allows hackers to hear any personal conversations you have on the phone.
Credit card information – allows hackers to make unauthorized charges to your credit card accounts.
Location – allows hackers to track where you go and when you’re not at home or work.
So what can you do about this? You need an app that helps protect you from these threats, or cyber security risks as they are called in the computer world.
Hi, I’m the author of this blog. I am a software engineer, and I’ve created an application that helps to protect people from hackers and other cyber security threats. My application is called “Empowerment Technology.”
It will help you to:
• Protect your privacy when you are online.
• Secure your personal data.
• Safeguard your computer against identity theft.
• Get alerts about potential threats on any device that is connected to the internet (including smartphones and smart TVs).
• Learn how to use encryption to keep your data private.
My goal with this blog is to educate people about cyber security and teach them how they can protect themselves from hackers, malware, phishing scams, etc.
I’m a big believer in the power of empowerment technology. I’m also a big believer in the security that comes with it. And I’m not alone. More than half of U.S. adults have a smartphone, according to a Pew Research Center survey, and nearly one in five say they have a smartphone without another mobile phone.
And it’s not just Americans who are getting smartphones: The same study found that more than three-quarters of all people worldwide use cell phones. In 2010, more than half of all people in the world owned a cellphone; by 2020, that number is expected to grow to nearly 90%.
Why do so many people want smartphones? Because they can use them for almost everything: shopping, paying bills and connecting with others (in person, online or via text). You can even use them to read books and watch videos. But what about security?
According to a recent report from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, more than half of all Americans do not have an anti-virus program on their computers, which means they are at risk of hackers stealing personal information such as credit card numbers and bank account details.
So why not use an app to help you protect yourself? It’s easier than you think! Here’s how
To understand the importance of cyber security, we need to understand what it is and why it’s important. Cyber security is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days. But what exactly is cyber security? The simple answer is that cyber security is the practice of protecting our technology from criminals who want to steal or harm it, and from accidents that could cause loss or damage.
In the era of COVID-19, our reliance on technology has increased dramatically; so too have the risks. In addition to keeping our computers and networks secure, we now must also consider how to secure our mobile devices, remote workers and cloud-based data.
The purpose of this blog is to provide basic information about how you can keep your technology and data safe from criminals, hackers, and other cyber-related threats.
You love your smart phone and your laptop. You are the proud owner of a high-tech watch, the latest Fitbit, and Google Home. You think the Internet of Things is a super cool concept. You even have a Google Home.
But you worry about hackers. It seems that every week brings another news report about a major breach: Equifax, Yahoo, Target… it goes on and on. When you hear about these hacks, you shiver with fear as you wonder: Am I next?
The answer is yes.
If you own any devices that are connected to the Internet – which you probably do! – then you are vulnerable to attack by hackers. There is no way to fully protect yourself from cybercriminal attacks. But there are ways to minimize your risk.
It’s been said time and time again that the internet has changed the way we live. We conduct our banking online, pay our bills, shop, listen to music, and even watch our favorite shows. But what if I told you there was a new type of technology that would make all of that easier?
Meet Empowerment Technology.
Empowerment Technology is a new type of technology that puts you in control of your information. It protects your data from hackers by encrypting it and then storing it on your device. For example, this means that if someone stole your phone or got access to your computer, they wouldn’t be able to read any of the files on it. It also means that if someone was listening in on your network traffic (like at a coffee shop), they wouldn’t be able to see what websites you’re visiting or what emails you’re sending and receiving. As long as you keep the encryption key secure (i.e., don’t write it down anywhere), only you can unlock those files or communications!
Empowerment Technology isn’t just for security purposes though – it can also help you track how much time you spend on various activities throughout the day. For example, maybe you want to see how many hours per week