How to Get a Record Label Deal: A blog about finding and working with an industry professional.
So you’ve been writing, recording, and performing your own music for a while now, and you’re ready to take the plunge into the music business. You’re ready to snare a music producer, shop your demos around to record labels, and get yourself signed. If you’re like most musicians, you probably have one question on your mind: how do I get a record contract?
If you want to be discovered by a major label or an indie label that has distribution, there are certain steps you need to take. We’ll look at each one in turn.
Education and Training
If you got talent, you might be able to skip this step. But most of us need all the help we can get. School is the best place to learn about the music business, but there are other ways to get experience: summer camps, internships, workshops and classes offered by your local music store.
Get a Mentor
It’s not enough to take a few classes and think you’re ready. Find someone in the industry who can take you under his or her wing to teach you how things really work, who will give you honest feedback and help with your demo and showcase performances. Choose someone with a lot of experience who has worked with artists similar to your style. You want someone who has connections at record labels that are right for your sound.
Get a Demo Together
The demo is what record labels use to determine if they want to sign an artist. It usually consists of 3-5 songs that showcase your best material and strongest performance. Make sure your songs have a clear melody and chorus that people can sing along with. Instrumentals are great but there should still be something for the listener to grab on to – hooks or riffs that make it memorable.
Make a Mailing List
Your mailing list contains names, addresses
The record industry has been turned on its ear with the advent of the Internet, which has forced major labels to change their tactics when it comes to finding and signing new talent. The changes have made it easier for unsigned bands to get a record deal than ever before, but you still need to know how the music business works if you want to take advantage of these opportunities.
To succeed as a professional musician in today’s music business, you need a thorough understanding of how the business works. This blog is all about helping musicians reach their career goals by providing them with basic info about what it takes to get a deal and how to choose the right one for your band.
In this blog post, we will discuss the following topics: What types of deals are available, What type of record label is best for your band, How do you find out which labels are interested in signing new artists like yours?
“So you want to get a record deal, huh? Do you have what it takes?
What are the A&R guys looking for these days? And how does one go about getting that prized deal? Well, I’m here to help. I’ve been at this for a long time and I’ve seen quite a few artists on the rise. Some made it big and some didn’t. But they all had one thing in common: they were willing to take a leap of faith into an unknown world with no guarantees–and they were willing to stick with it.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard a band say, “If we can just get someone to hear us, then we know things will happen.” But the truth is, there are thousands of people who want their music to be heard by record labels. The problem is that there are only so many hours in the day and so many people working at a label. And as much as they’d like to listen to every demo that comes across their desk, it’s just not possible because there’s not enough time or money.
Even if you do manage to get through, your demo will probably end up in a huge stack of CDs and tapes on someone’s desk.*
Many artists dream of signing a record deal, but the music industry is not what it used to be and landing a contract with a label can be tough.
Our advice? Do your research and make yourself as appealing as possible before you approach a major label.
Here are some tips:
Understand Your Chosen Genre: If you are trying to get signed to a record label, make sure that you know everything about the genre that you want to become involved in. This will help you in the long term to make sure that you are marketing your music in the correct way.
Build Up An Online Presence: If you don’t already have one, it’s time to set up social media accounts on all of the major networks. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will all be important for keeping fans updated on your progress and interacting with them directly. Look at how other artists in your genre are using social media and use that as inspiration for how you should use it.
Make a Demo: A demo is essential for getting signed to a label. It’s vital that your demo showcases your talent so that labels know what they will be investing in if they sign you. If possible, try to get reviews from industry professionals or bloggers who can give their opinions on what you can do
There are many different ways to get a record deal, but there is only one way to get a record deal and have any sort of career in the music business. That is by demonstrating that you have already become successful on your own.
It can be difficult to find the right manager, booking agent or record label. But if you approach these people with a proven track record of success, they will not be able to turn you down. They will see you as a rock star in the making, someone who could catapult their careers to new heights.
The first step to getting a record deal is by creating your own buzz. The best way to do this is through online marketing. You need to create a website for yourself, and register for all of the major social networking sites. Then use these sites to promote yourself and your music. Create video blogs about what it is like being an up-and-coming musician, write music reviews for other bands, and post pictures of all of your shows and recording sessions online.
Not all of the advice on this blog will be applicable to every artist and label. This is, after all, a general guide for all of you who are interested in learning more about the music industry. Always consult with your lawyer before entering into any agreements!
So You Want to Shop Your Demo?
If you are just starting out in the music industry and want to get your demo heard, you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you. Do not expect anyone to listen to your demo unless you send it to them directly; most artists do not have the luxury of a manager or agent who can do this for them.
Before You Send Your Demo
You must be sure that your music is ready to be sent out. If you’re not sure, ask yourself these questions:
1) Does my demo sound like a professional recording? Does it sound like something I would buy? Would I play it for my friends? Do I like it?
2) Do I have a band biography and photo together? (A short one will do.) Have I looked at other band bios and photos for ideas? Have I researched what other bands are doing with their image and music? Am I satisfied with what I see? Am I trying to mimic other bands with my