7 Best Sites for Calculating Your Tech Usage

There are tons of tech sites out there, but many have their own bias and don’t paint a complete picture. Here are 7 of the best websites that we found to calculate your tech usage. This lets you know how much time you spend on your computer, phone, etc.

If you are a technology nerd, or just want to know how much time you waste on a daily basis, there are many websites out there that can help you do just that. You can calculate how many times you check your email, how much time you spend on certain social networks, and even how many hours of sleep you lose because of the time you spend online!

Here’s our roundup of some of the best sites for calculating your tech usage:

Rescue Time: This website calculates exactly how much time you spend in front of your computer each day, by tracking every application and website you use. You can even put in goals for yourself, so Rescue Time will let you know if/when you have reached them.

ManicTime: This site actually tracks the amount of time you spend on which applications and documents, so it shows detailed reports about what you do with your computer time. It also keeps track of your computer usage when your screen is off or locked, which is great if someone else uses your laptop and forgets to log out!

Social Fixer: If you’re addicted to Facebook (and let’s face it- most people are), this application will calculate all kinds of stats about your Facebook usage. It’s available as an extension for

We’ve all heard about how much time we spend on the Internet, and that probably isn’t a surprise. What is a surprise, however, is how much time we spend on particular sites. I found myself wondering that exact thing one day, so I got to work finding out.

I found seven websites dedicated to tracking your tech usage, and each of them has its own purpose or goal. If you’re interested in keeping track of how many hours you waste online, these are great sites to use.

RescueTime (http://www.rescuetime.com) is a handy website that monitors the websites you visit and programs you use and then generates graphs based on your usage. I like this site because it’s easy to use and the graphs give a detailed breakdown of my time online. It keeps track of which programs are used most often, what websites are visited most often, etc., and it even lets you block websites for a certain amount of time if you want to stop wasting so much time on Facebook or YouTube!

ManicTime (http://manictime.com) is a similar program that runs in the background of your computer and keeps track of what programs are used most often as well as when they are used. The free version

Who better to tell you how much time you spend on your computer, tablet and smartphone than the websites themselves? Tech companies are starting to take advantage of the data they have access to in order to give users a more accurate look into how much time they spend on their devices.

In a recent interview with TIME, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he wasn’t a fan of the new screens that track a user’s screen time. “I don’t believe in overuse [of technology], I’m not a person that says we’ve achieved success if you’re using it all the time,” Cook told Time’s editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal. “I don’t subscribe to that at all.”

If you’re interested in seeing how much time you spend on your phone and other devices, check out these seven helpful websites:

RescueTime: The website rescuetime.com offers users a free version of its service, which tracks the amount of time spent on your computer and mobile devices. You can set daily limits for yourself and get alerts when you go over them. You can also block certain distracting sites during certain times of day.

Moment: Moment is an app that keeps track of how often you use your iPhone or iPad each day. If

How many hours have you spent on Facebook this year? What about Twitter or Netflix? A new wave of websites are allowing users to calculate exactly how much time they spend on their favorite sites and apps.

The trend began in 2015 with RescueTime, a website that helps users set goals for phone and computer usage. The site uses an app to track usage and then displays the data for users to see how much time they spend on different sites throughout the day.

RescueTime was followed by a slew of similar options, including Hours, a mobile app that tracks usage data for all apps, not just social media.

I tried out seven different apps and websites to determine which ones work best and which ones are best left unused. I tested each by tracking my usage for several weeks, logging into each site once a day to see my progress. Here’s what I found:

Name:The future of startups

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