Smart gadgets are a great way to save money on home energy costs. As long as you use the right ones and take the right steps you can cut your bills by up to 10% year round.
The idea is simple: use smart gadgets to help you find ways to save energy and money every day. These tips are simple and easy to follow, but they will help you reduce your home energy costs in no time.
Smart Gadgets: 3 Easy Tips To Save Money On Home Energy Costs. Smart gadgets are a great way to save money on home energy costs. As long as you use the right ones and take the right steps you can cut your bills by up to 10% year round.
Here are 3 tips to help save you money on your home energy costs.
1. Check Your Windows and Doors: Check the windows and doors of your home for any leaks that may exist. A cold draft coming through a door or window can be a sign of a leak. A quick and easy test is to close all your windows and doors, turn off all fans and vents, then light an incense stick near your window or door. If the smoke from the incense stick blows away from the window or door, there is a leak that can be fixed by caulking around the window frame or door frame.
2. Turn Down Your Thermostat: Turning down your thermostat will help you save money on your home energy bills. According to Energy Star, setting back your thermostat 7-10 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 hours per day can save you 10% a year on heating and cooling costs. That’s an average savings of 1% for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long. Tip: Get a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust back the temperature when you’re not at home.
3. Use Ceiling Fans: Ceiling fans can be used in both summer and winter months to help reduce heating and
There are many ways to save money on your home energy costs. The truth is that there are many easy ways to do so. Here are three simple tips for saving money on your home energy costs:
1. Turn off all appliances when not in use.
2. Insulate your home.
3. Use window coverings during summer and daytime hours.
These three tips should help you save money on your home energy costs. To learn more, visit our blog or contact us today at (877) 633-7243!
The average household spends $2,200 a year on energy bills with more than half of that going towards heating and cooling costs. But you can cut your home energy costs by 15 percent or more by using these simple tips.
1. Install a programmable thermostat.
Programmable thermostats allow you to set different temperatures at different times of the day and night so your family is comfortable when they are home but the energy usage is kept to a minimum when no one is around.
2. Use the right light bulbs.
You don’t have to use those traditional incandescent light bulbs anymore, even though they are still widely used across the country. You can go with fluorescent or LED bulbs that use only 25 percent of the energy. Plus, they last eight times longer than incandescent options.
3. Add insulation to your attic and crawl spaces..
The Department of Energy says that most homes in the United States aren’t properly insulated and this can lead to 20 percent of heating and cooling costs being wasted since they escape through cracks in walls, windows and doors. Adding insulation to attics and crawl spaces can make a big difference in your home’s energy efficiency and it’s an easy DIY project for anyone who wants to install it themselves.
With the rising price of electricity and other utilities, many people are looking for ways to save money on home energy costs. While there are many ways to do this, one of the most effective methods is to install a programmable thermostat. These devices allow you to set a certain schedule for your air conditioner and heater so that they’re not running when you don’t need them. While this may seem like a small step, it can be very effective and save hundreds of dollars per year.
Another common way to save money on home energy costs is by reducing the amount of time you spend in your car. While it can be tempting to drive back and forth between work and home, especially if you have a long commute, this isn’t always the best thing for your wallet. Instead, consider using public transportation or carpooling whenever possible. You may also want to consider moving closer to your job or changing jobs altogether so that you can eliminate the need to drive at all. This will save you money in gas as well as help reduce wear on your car’s engine over time.
One final way that you can save money on home energy costs is by getting rid of appliances that aren’t being used often enough. For example, if you live in an apartment where
According to the US Department of Energy, heating and cooling your home account for about half of your energy bill. By taking just a few easy steps, you can save money and keep your home more comfortable.
1) Changing your air filters regularly – By replacing your air filter once a month, you can save up to 15% on your cooling costs.
2) Insulating ducts in unconditioned spaces – If you have an older home, you may have some ductwork that runs through the attic or crawl space. By insulating this ductwork, you can help keep the cold air where it belongs.
3) Using ceiling fans – Ceiling fans are a great way to beat the heat in summer months. When used properly, they use very little electricity and can often cool a room down by several degrees!
Five years ago, when we began this project, the world was a different place. Smartphones were mostly for the rich and tech savvy. Mobile apps were just beginning to be popular. People didn’t really trust mobile payments.
If you wanted to make a gadget that was smart, you had to use a lot of code running on an expensive microprocessor. So most gadgets weren’t smart. A half-decent radio cost $100 at Best Buy; if you tried to put a computer in it, it would cost ten times as much.
Nowadays, by contrast, even the cheapest computer has more processing power than the room-sized computers that used to send rockets to the moon. And $100 will buy you not just one but a thousand of these little chips, complete with Wi-Fi radios, memory and storage.
At this point all the expensive parts are free. This makes the economics of hardware very different from the economics of software or media, where some people get paid a lot and others get paid nothing at all. In hardware: either everybody gets paid nothing (open source) or everybody gets paid something (iPod).